22 Hours in Amsterdam: Stroopwafels, Heineken Hangover, and Maybe a Little Something Extra

Feb 02, 2024

Amsterdam in 22 hours? Challenge accepted! But ditch the sprinting between museums and let's embrace the Dutch art of gezelligheid (cozy vibes) with a dash of "oh, what happens in Amsterdam, stays in Amsterdam..." thrown in for good measure.

Flying from Doha to Amsterdam

Forget the in-flight movie that everyone's already seen - I've got the real deal on YouTube, with all the awkward pauses, questionable meals, and enough legroom to do the Macarena without tripping your seatmate. So buckle up, business class ballers, and get ready for an honest, hilarious peek into the luxurious (and maybe slightly ridiculous) world of flying fancy. 

Hyatt Regency Amsterdam: My Home Away From Home (with Stroopwafels)

This hotel is my Amsterdam bae: spacious rooms, friendly staff, and a free breakfast buffet for Globalists (don't judge, free food is the best food). Plus, their on-site Indonesian restaurant, Mama Makan, serves a Rijsttafel that'll have you saying "stroopwafel who?" (Okay, maybe not, but it's good).

Heineken Experience: Cheers to Beer, Boats, and Maybe a Cocktail on the Roof?

Sure, you could walk the canals like a basic tourist. Or, you could channel your inner James Bond (shaken, not stirred, obviously) with a Heineken Experience. Rooftop cocktails with a view? VIP factory tour? Tandem canal boat and beer adventure? The choice is yours, my friend. Just remember, responsible beer consumption is sexy.

Picture in front of the factory
In front of the brewery

Heineken cocktail
Cocktails are available at their rooftop

Van Stapele: The Cookie Worth the Line (and the Potential Sugar Coma)

Forget diamonds, these are Amsterdam's true gems. These giant, bakery-fresh chocolate cookies are legendary, and the line moves faster than you think (probably because everyone's too busy drooling). Grab one, wander the canals, and prepare for a sugar rush that'll rival a windmill in a hurricane.

Herring: The "Dare to Try" Challenge

Feeling adventurous? This Dutch delicacy ain't for the faint of heart (or stomach). Imagine a raw fish on a stick, dipped in onions, eaten head-first. Sounds delightful, right? If you're brave enough, go for it. Just have some water nearby for the inevitable "oh dear" moment.

Woman eating herring
Not for the faint of heart

Bistro de la Mer: Michelin Star Cozy and a Touch of...Intrigue?

This hidden gem offers Michelin-starred seafood in a snug, almost secretive setting. Imagine: oyster bar, open kitchen, bar stools, and a wine list that whispers secrets. The food is divine, the rigatoni carbonara is a must, and the monkfish with goose liver will have you singing opera (in your head, hopefully).

Wine and dinner with a friend
Dinner at Bistro de La Mer with a friend from high school

The "Optional" Extras: Coffee Shops and Red Lights...But Tread Carefully

Amsterdam's not shy about its "special attractions". Coffee shops (wink, wink) and the Red Light District offer experiences you won't find anywhere else. But remember, respect is key. If you choose to explore, do your research and go with reputable tours. Trust me, you don't want to be that tourist.

22 Hours Later: Full, Tipsy, and Maybe a Little Wiser?

Amsterdam in a nutshell: good food, good beer, good vibes, and maybe a touch of the unexpected. So, ditch the rigid itinerary, embrace the gezelligheid, and see where the canals take you (just maybe not literally, those things are crowded).

P.S. Don't forget the stroopwafels. Seriously, don't.

And check out my latest videos:

Qatar Airways Doha to Amsterdam on Business Class

JetBlue Mint Suite experience flying back from Amsterdam to Boston.